After nearly a week of putting the prepreg material in the mold; all the unidirectional, the 90 degrees and 45 degrees and the reinforcements is finally in place, as is the peelply and and vacumbag. Sam my master is checking for leeks.

Sam is satisfied. He assures me everything is going to be fine.

She is ready for the 35 meter long autoklav. With a 2.7 meter long mast I don’t feel I use its full potential.

Here we are getting up speed.

She is nearly in.

Thomas is closing the heavy lid.

and locking it.

Fredrik the Boss is chacking gouges and the tempratures of the inside surfaces of the mast the outside surface and the temperature of the compressed air inside the autoklav.

Finally I watch all the gauges while reading a yachting magazine. Everything worked perfectly, during the night she will cool under pressure in the autoklav and vacum in the bag and I will dream nice dreams. a big step forward has been taken.