Half of the molds are now on the strongback and me I think it looks fine.
Below are some pictures, click once or twice to enlarge.
A tiny string helps me to center the molds left and right.The molds one sideThe molds the other side. The hull will be symmetrical fore and aft. I will put the rudder on this side for no special reason than that previus boats had aft this side. The lines seams to be sweet.
Also Sailing la Vagabonde have published a video interview with me done in the Azores. We also spent some time together in Porto Santo. There is many comments.
Molds and other rigid bodies have six degrees of freedom. They can change their position forward and backward (surge), up and down (heave), left and right (sway). Translation in three perpendicular axes, combined with changes in orientation through rotation about three perpendicular axes, often termed yaw (normal axis), pitch (transverse axis), and roll (longitudinal axis).
When setting up the jig it is important that the molds are rigidly fixed in all the six movements movements.
The aluminum profiles take care of the up and down movements and roll.
The lengthwise markings on the aluminum profiles takes care of the forward back position and yaw.
The centerline takes care of the right left movement. The plumb bob takes care of the pitch.
Its good to be careful and make strong hull jig because each plank adds to the pressure on it. There is a concrete flor in my workshop. It is strong.
Below is a picture of the aluminum profiles fastened to the floor.
I started to cut the middle mold from 18 mm spruce plywood supplied by CEOS. Then I did the ones fore and aft. To my surprise the had more beam. The joy of my idea to mirror the aft part of the model had clouded my thinking. Of course the widest part of the boat was not in the middle but a bit aft.
A step from the beaten track and you are a child in a new world. There is always something to go wrong when you try something new. The world is to complex to be predictable. My molds had brought me back to reality. If at once you, fail try again.
The easy fix was to make the middle one a copy of her neighbors. When the hull is lifted of the molds it bulges out in the middle anyway a small bit. So that takes care of that problem.
Click once or twice to enlarge.
Here they are. All af them. This will give me a more roomy boat. Exlex 2018 had an inside beam of 96 cm Exlex of 2020 has an inside beam of 114 cm. That is realy sufficient. Exlex the Canoe Cruiser will get an inside beam of 122 cm.
If you like please support to my project. Use the donation button. I thank all of you who have already done so.
Today i borrowed a big van from Håkan and drove to CEOS in Norrköping and loaded a big pile of plywood. Thanks CEOS for that, more about that later.
Peter helped me to get it into my workshop.
Peter with his plywood car. The first run was with one sheet. Later with succes he became braver and loaded her with six 18 mm pieces.Me on the CEOS-plywood Some are for the molds some for the boat.
I also got new ideas for the lines. I cut the parabolic stretched model in the middle and put her on a mirror and played around a bit. Slowly as I watched the images from a distance it became very clear that mirroring the aft end was the ansver especially taking a Cape Horn passage into consideration.
Click once or twice to enlarge
The left one is the aft partit got more stability and is better for the higher orbital flow that exists in stormy waters. It also give me more space for the doors or hatches to the central dry part of the boat. Rolling the models on the bench indicates the better stabilityAn other photo of the two half models. The ast part to the left. The boat will thuse be symmetrical for and aft like Bris a boat that I in the 1970 and 80s made many ocean passages in.
I have also changed the layout. Below is picture of my notebook.
There is two bulkheads with waterproof hatches dividing the boat into three parts. The middle one is nice dry and cosy in all waether the for and aft ones is is for navigational purposes handling sails and such. The outer ones are 2.4 meters long The middle cosy one is 2.8 meter long. My bed and office is 1.9 meter long 0.8 meter wide. The dining and recreation room is 0.9 meter long. The sailing full scale wooden mock up version will decide the final layout. There is plenty of deck space in this version.Good for conserving leg muscles. There is 3 mast. The forward ones side by side like the 2018 Exlex. It worked well.
I am working on the lines for my canoe cruiser. Below is three 1/10 modells.
The first one 5.4 meter long from the year 2003. The two other now both 7.68 long carbon reinforced one lineray stretched by 1.42
The one not yeat finished stretched paraboliccaly to 7.68 to give her a bit more volume in the ends. The parabolic stretching gives fuller ends. The parabolic is a squared function, like the series 1 4 9 16 25 …
The beams of all 3 modells is 1.28 meters. Thuse the lengt is six beams long. Modern boats are unfortunaturally only 3 beams long because lenght is nowadays so penelised. But traditionally, before engines many boats used the six beams lenght for easy resistance, when powered by oars and sail. The first naval arkitect and by definition the greatest, God instrukted Noa to use those proportions when building the Ark.
Accordingly, Noah’s instructions are given to him by God (Genesis 6:14–16): the ark is to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high (approximately 134×22×13 m or 440×72×43 ft)
The Azorian whaleboats where 12 meteParabolic curves have pleasing shape.r long with a boam of 2 meter. Very seaworthy boats. The Cornish pilot gigs had similar proportions as do the Venetian Gondola. According to Wikipedia they are Today’s gondola is up to 11 m long and 1.6 m wide, with a mass of 350 kg, Often five persons are on them one man rowing.
One more exampel of a group of succesful narrow boats are the Swedish skerry cruisers. They are slender boats, with low freeboards and tall rigs. In 1923 Westin designed a 40m² boat which was 15.2 metres long and had a beam of only 1.74m – a length to beam ratio of nearly 9 to 1.
Gerdny 18.8 long with a beam of 2.85 designed by Erik Salander, 6.7 beams long is an other example.
Captain John Voss famous canoe Tilikum in wich he sailed across the three oceans 1901 had similar proportions, 11.5 long 1.68 beam
The beam on the two stretched modells increased by about 1 centimeter when the frames was remowed. That was not intended. I hope to be able to control it better on the full scale versions
I am now ready to start building the full scale wooden, sailing mockup. The planking will be 15 mm plywood or so. I look forward to an interesting Christmas and New Year.
I have been talking to the plywood man. Now I have to do estimate of how much material I need.
Today I uploaded a video on internet. It is self explanatory but a little clarification might not be out of place.
The praparations are now mostly done. Corona has caused a lit of disruption. I like to start my sail from a place with little marine traffic and close to open spaces. One such place and a beutiful one at that is Ålesund in Norway. At N 62° 28′ it is a high latitude place. The idea is to sail west round the Faeroe Islands and then south down to Saragosso Sea and spend time there until I run out of food in maybee November. Then to find a place to reprovision. Santa Maria in the Azores seams to be a good place. Few plans survive the first contact with the enemy but we will see.
I have a about 20 year old car that have not been running for over two years due to my bad economy. Our gouvernment have imposed a driving ban on her but I will try to start her tomorrow and try to get her past an inspection. Then I trail my boat to Ålesund. Frinds will drive car and trailer back to Västervik and when weather permits I be on my way hopefully within one month.
There is food and water in Exlex for about 120 days. I had hoped for more. Therefore my plan is to build a boat with better range when my economy so allows. In my spare time I scketch her. At present she is 7.2 meters long with a beam of 1.2 meters. Draft is 40 cm. She is a bigger wessel than I like on the positive side she has plenty of stovage and even a bunk for a small lady. There is also a flat space on deck 1.8 meter by 0.8.
She have a small 30X20 cm canard trimrudder that can be adjusted from inside.
She have a new type of ballasted centerboard 2.4 meter long that descends 20 cm to increase her stability a bit for windward sailing and help to prevent leeway.
It is of course a complication but life favors complication evolution is increadible complex. I might get away with it. Anywhay it is fun to experiment.
Thuse equipeded she can sail in 50 cm shallow water.
The centerboard in retracted position. She is 240 cm long 20 cm deep and lives among the stovage below my bed.The ballasted centerboard in the down position. The Tufnol triangle is the lever that helps me to control her. The lever is controled from a slot in the deck with the help of a tackle and is immensly powerful. As with other centerboards when she hits something she automatically retracts.The planned next Exlex is a Canoe Cruiser 7.2 meter long 1.2 meter beam 40 cm draft. She is rigged as a cat ketch. 4 square meter on the main mast and 2.5 on the mizzen. Empty 800 kilos 1300 ready for an extended ocean cruise. I know boats always comes out more heavy than the designer intends. Still it is an rough estimate, no calculations.
As always please help to support my research by donating on Pay Pal and Swish.
To those that already have donated. A great thanks it helps an old pensioner a lot.
The lengths and sail area of sail boats have been taxed by governments and punished by racing rules to such an extent that these boats are inefficient.
Cargo boats naturally have to be burdensome and racing boats naturally have to be built to racing rules. Cruising boats do not necessarily have to have these restrictions, but human beings are sheeplike when they see a racing boat winning a race they think its fast even when its restricted by racing rules.
Only a few boat types, like the Cornish pilot gigs, about 10 meter (32 feet)long with a beam of 1.5 meters (4 feet 10 inches) and the whale boats about 9 meters long and 1.5 meters beam are uninfluenced by rules.
Both use oars and sails for propulsion, Using oars in a sail race is of course strictly forbidden.
The Cornish pilot gigs was used as shore-based lifeboats that went to vessels in distress. When the whale had harpooned it would often pull the boat in a “Nantucket sleighride” trying to escape, sometimes against a rising gale. In both cases seaworthy boats were needed.
Sail area are restricted by racing rules. This has led to the Bermudan rig. Its based on the airplane wing theory. The airplane has two wings they cancel each others healing moment. Sailboats are different they use deep ballast keels to get stability. Lead is heavy. Much sail area is therefore needed to propel them. The lead keel is little use downwind and cruisers sail mostly downwind. Lenght of mast is more important than sail area to the cruising man. This week my Next Design is six beam long 6.96 meter with a 1.16 beam. Hopefully my economy gets on an even keel when I get to Australia enabling me to build her.
Regards Yrvind.
Surprisingly food for 360 days took up less space than expected. This gives me the possibility to add more water. I have added four 12 liter jerry cans in the aft port hatch. Tomorrow I try to do the same on the port side. There is already about 47 liters but not so close packed.
More water at the aft end and low down will give the boat more stability and make her easier to self-steer down wind.
Besides that I will spend Easter antifouling the hull for a secound time.
Progress have been made on Next Design. She is now 7.8 meter long and 1.28 meter beam.
At 1.2 tons dispalacement and a waterline of 7.2 meters or 23.6 feet she will have an lenght displacement ratio of about 90 which is good for planing down wind in a good breeze.
She will also be small enough to yuloh with little effort even by an old man.
She has a strong flat bottom and a draft of 20 cm or 8 inches. She will be good for deep as well as shallow waters.
During my planned long sail some days will be gray with contrary winds. To prevent me from start to feel downhearted I will bring with me a model of Next Design.
The one I have shown pictures of scale 1/20 is to big, there is no place for it. Therefore I have made onother one scale 1/40 eight times as small by volyme.
To cheer me up I will look at my small model instantly I will realise that although it is gray abouve the clouds mother sun is shining as brightly as ever. My heart once again filled with sunshine I will fight the contrary wind and make progress.
Below a picture.
Click once or twice to enlarge.
Beppe has today added 2 videos to this site.
One about lazyjacks at Varius
One about Next Design at Next Design
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind