Today i borrowed a big van from Håkan and drove to CEOS in Norrköping and loaded a big pile of plywood. Thanks CEOS for that, more about that later.

Peter helped me to get it into my workshop.

Peter with his plywood car. The first run was with one sheet. Later with succes he became braver and loaded her with six 18 mm pieces.
Me on the CEOS-plywood Some are for the molds some for the boat.

I also got new ideas for the lines. I cut the parabolic stretched model in the middle and put her on a mirror and played around a bit. Slowly as I watched the images from a distance it became very clear that mirroring the aft end was the ansver especially taking a Cape Horn passage into consideration.

Click once or twice to enlarge

The left one is the aft partit got more stability and is better for the higher orbital flow that exists in stormy waters. It also give me more space for the doors or hatches to the central dry part of the boat. Rolling the models on the bench indicates the better stability
An other photo of the two half models. The ast part to the left. The boat will thuse be symmetrical for and aft like Bris a boat that I in the 1970 and 80s made many ocean passages in.

I have also changed the layout. Below is picture of my notebook.

There is two bulkheads with waterproof hatches dividing the boat into three parts. The middle one is nice dry and cosy in all waether the for and aft ones is is for navigational purposes handling sails and such. The outer ones are 2.4 meters long The middle cosy one is 2.8 meter long. My bed and office is 1.9 meter long 0.8 meter wide. The dining and recreation room is 0.9 meter long. The sailing full scale wooden mock up version will decide the final layout. There is plenty of deck space in this version.Good for conserving leg muscles. There is 3 mast. The forward ones side by side like the 2018 Exlex. It worked well.

To be continued…

Regards Yrvind.