The storage under the bunk is now done.
It is about 600 liters space. Well packed with food and books there is a lot of weight that I do not want to get adrift when the boat is thrown around in strong winds. Therefore the plywood pieces that subdivide the space is is well anchored with fillets and glass fibre taping in NM-epoxi. About 50 meters.
The locking system consists of 3 cleats and a string. No mowing parts and the string can easily and cheaply be replaced anywhere and under any conditions. A strong and pretty foolproof system.
Below are some pictures to facilate an understanding of this new system.
Click once or twice to enlarge the pictures.
The twelve hatches that makes the bed
The three cleats and the string.
One hatch is opend
Two hatches are opened
The bed with mattrass. The foom has closed cells and can therefore not take up water.
A happy me in the bed
And then as a final treat a gateau bought in Madeira 2011 for my trip to Martinique. I now found it two years old in prime condition. It tasted excellent. I will for sure bring plenty of them for the coming trip
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind.