Work with the foreward deckhouse continues. Belov the sides are joined. The brown stoff at the bottom is Tufnaol channels to take the gasket.
After filleting and taping the outside joints the inner edges are given a radieus and is taped, but not before the holes for the windows are cut out.
The edges are not rounded and the deck is not laminated, but it gives an idea of what the finished product will look like.
I decided to upgrade the aft deckhouse so I wisely made a secound mockup and much was gained by that. A bit like an author makes a secound draft.
Symmetry made me get avay with making only only one side. On each side of the foreward end of the deckhouse a ventilator lives. Interference, I say is my biggest problem. Below the deck of the deckhouse is the place of the doradoboxes. They should not interfere with the windows and the windows must be placed very accurately to give the best possible view. The foreward end of the deckhouse slopes a bit down. The dorade channels slope uppward. Water flows downward. This fact helps to separate the the water from the air. The water is collected in a box in the foreward end of the deckhouse. A U-tube lets out water but not air. The air continues backwards where it meets a secound watertrap which also is drained via an U-tube. This Dorade-system has much volume therefore it can swollow much water. Finally the channels passes through the bulkhead to the aft compartment where they go down and traverse the boat.
Becouse I do not have much space I like to keep the ventilation systen in one plane. The trick is to let the air from the starboard ventilater cross at top and the air from the port ventilator cross at the bottom. The pathways is indicated by brown tape.
The diameter of the channels is about 3 cm. Not much you may say, but bigger than my nostrils. This is the heavy weather ventilation systen which I will use when the seas are breaking. Force five and up when the hatches are dogged down. One ventilater takes in air the other lets air out so its a continues air exchange like a birds lung unlike humans who use the same channel for out and in.
Friction in the channels may reduce the airflow to 1 meter per secound, about 2 knots. Still thats gives me 42 liters fresh air a minute enough for an old man resting.
Yes Angélique, when the seas are breaking I will use the safety belt. They not tight so you do not notice them and they do not hinder you getting up.
Next week finds me at the Göteborg Book Fair.
To bee continued…
Regards Yrvind.