A new text about Exlex is now published under the heading MANIFESTO. To read it go to the blogg section.
I continue to work with Exlex, sorting out one problem after the other.
Becouse I do not yet know her and becouse she is designed for open waters and not to the narrow ones here I have to take care and watch the weather.
When the weather is not good I work on trying to get sponsors. Exlex is a modell of boat ideal in reduced scale and the planned voyage is a long one.
Hopefully I can average 2 knots. The 15 000 miles to New Zealnad will then take 300 days. The prudent navigater calculates with the worst weather conditions. Some years are worse than outhers and the worst of the worst is very bad. Then my average speed may drop a good deal below 2 knots.
Its very basic but there is a big difference between average speed and top speed. Once down in the Roaring Forties a easterly storm blew 150 miles westwards. I was heading east. Then there is calms. Once I got stuck in the Doldrums for a month. Today one often read in the yachting press “There was no wind so we had to turn on the engine”. Exlex has no engine, nor does she wants one.
This is not an complait but an explanation that average and top speed are different.
I hope to be able to load Exlex with food for one year also to pay rent for my flat and workshop for one year.
In a weak or two I will trail Exlex to Stockholm. There hopefully I will find money.
In the end of April 2018 I will trail her to Dingle in western Ireland.
Beginning of May I be ready to start when the a weather window comes.
To bee contiued…
Regards Yrvind.