Hi everyone.

Friday 13 of August I landed in Copenhagen. Peter and his wife was kindly there and picked me up. 23:30 the same evening I unlocked the door to my apartment. Everything was fine. I did 3 push up to get in shape. I had not done any physical since leaving the flat in late spring.

Next morning I pumped my bycycle and pedaled to my workshop. Everything was fine.

Before leaving I had made a model of the hard chine hull I converted her to soft chine. Next day proud of my country I pinted her blue and yellow.

Me with the model 1/10 of 7.80 meter long. I have shorted the real boat to 6.4 meter long.

During my sail in Exlex 2020 and 2021 some of the following thinking have been done. As follows.

After 149 days, nearly five months at sea in Exlex back on land I have decided to go ahead and build Exlex the Canoe Yawl a double ender 6.4 meter long with a beam of 1.28 meter in composite sandwich construction. Starting as soon as I can get the building materials.

Exlex was 5.8 meter long with a beam of 1.23 meter. She had a blunt scow bow and a transom. Long time in her and other small boats have made me realize that I am happy in a small boat.

Exlex had many good properties and a few not so desirable. Some of the properties that will be ameliorated are as follows:

Hull shape, the new boat will be double ender with soft chines. That will reduce resistance and enable me to take storms with her stern facing the wind riding to a sea or para anchor or Jordan series drouge through a stern tube.

She will get much more weather helm. The centerboard and rudder will be moved forward and sail area back in form of a mizzen mast will be added.

The living area, bed and seat will be enclosed by two waterproof bulkheads. On Exlex only the bed was so enclosed and the doors was only splash proof.

The rudder axis will come up foreword of the mizzen mast in a tube making it waterproof. This will bring the steering lines inside easier and make the rudder complex design simpler. The steering lines arrangement will be above the bed and athwartship. There they will not interfere with the drawing board and will be easy acceseble. The jammers will be of good quality.

There will be a deckhouse with a 360° view.

There will be a rudder indicator.

There will be side by side masts, a biplane rig as on the 2018 Exlex. I give her 8 square meter sail area. That is twice as much as on the previous boat. Downwind, the side by side arrangement of the masts ensures that the sails will not blanket each other. That arrangement worked at sea but gave problems in port. That problem is now solved.

The hatches had several issues. Those are easily corrected.

The stowage will be improved. Food will now be in a more protected part of the boat.

There will be some deck space that can be used for seating and standing.

The Canoe Yawl will be 0.6 meter longer than Exlex. Length is however not a good measure of a boats size. Weight is better and she is planned to be a bit lighter than her predecessor about one ton in cruising trim for 60 days or about 5000 miles autonomy average.

It is not easy to visualize what I mean by all this, but gentle reader be patient and bit by bit I will post by post describe them more clearly.
I also now have a youtube channel Sven Yrvind and I suggest that you subscribe to that that you do not miss videos.
Also I thank everyone that has donated to my project. There is a donation Button on this Webb site.

Some photos. Click once or twice to enlarge.

Exlex track 2020 and 2021 total time 149 days
My plan is to make her 6.4 meter long and 1.3 meter beam but during building things happens so we will how she comes out.
The side by side rig on Exlex 2018 version. Worked very well at sea but was a problem in port as the mast was outside the boat. Not good coming alongside anything. That problem is now solved.
Most of the molds are now up an extra chine have been added.
From the stem. The hull is symmetrical but I have chosen to put the centerbord towards the camera and the rudder att the other end for no practical reason.

To be continued…

Donations will help.

Regards Yrvind