I have now done four lifting ropes for Exlex. The dynema ropes each have a breaking strenght of ca 8 tons. I do

not think I will have any use of them. They can be used for lifting the boat on to trailer and launching the boat with a fork lift. Other ropes can be used for that purpose.
A situation may arise at sea when a ship comes alongside and for some reason likes to pick up Exlex and haul her out of the ocean and put her on its deck, then it will only be a matter of doing a knot and she be attached. As I said I do not think they will be used, but if they are handy.
Pictures below.

The four ropes met at a point perpendicular abouve Exlex center of gravity. When not in use the ropes is tied to the gallow. The blue canvas is part of the water collection system.
One of the four strongpoints. An eye is spiced. The eye is reenforced with a mantle to protect it from chafe. The rope is attached with a larks head.


The four ropes is tied to the gallow when not in use.
The blue is water collector.

The photos below is for the main anchor a 10 kilo SPADE.

The anchor bollard. A winch would have been better, but there is no space for it. It will be on next design
This handle with a cam cleat will help me to get up the anchor. I do not intend to anchor. If I do it is an emergency.
If it is to heavy I have to cut the line.
The splice to the anchor chain. I have added two mantles to the rope for extra protection. The rope is also twice around the schackle pin to distribute the load

To be continued…

Regards Yrvind