Monday 2 of September 2019 Captain Thomas Grahn towed Exlex from Hunnebostrand on the west coast of Sweden to Västervik on the Swedish east coast behind his wife’s father’s car. Everything went fine. It took us five or six hours. It was a shortcut. Sailing from Hunnebostrand to Västervik is about 500 nautical miles; it would have taken many weeks.
To be able to trail Exlex is a one of her many desirable qualities. Last year we trailed the first Exlex 5.76 meters to Dingle in Ireland and then I sailed her to Madeira, 2011 I trailed the yellow boat 4.8 meters long to Ireland and then sailed her to Martinique, 1988 I trailed Amfibie-Bris 4.8 meters long to France and then sailed her to Newfoundland. I have trailed many of my small ocean going boats to various places. I suggest the idea. It adds a dimension of freedom, so why not?
Exlex, although small attracted much attention in Hunnebostrand. I had to answer many a question like if she was able to sail to windward, if I was steering with the sculling oar, what would happen is she capsized and more. I assured every one that she was a very able boat. I sold many brochure’s and some kind persons donated and some invited me to eat ice-creams.
I made a long list of possible improvement’s to carry out before the month of May 2020 when I plan to depart.
I am very pleased with the performance of Exlex. She pointed high and sailed fast. If I watch my steps the upcoming voyage will go fine

Something gone wrong with my computer I am unable to show more pictures. Hopefully friends will fix it.
After speaking to several friends I can now continue . Here are two more photos of Exlex being rolled over. This time it was not for stability but to test for leaks. There were still a leak on rolling to starboard in the ventilation system, a small one screew hole. I had plugged 2 screew holes before. Rolling to port she was tight, no leaks. The hatches were also waterproof. The one leak I think is easy to fix, but Murphy is sitting on my sholder trying to to keep me alert.

Work is now being done on Exlex.
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind