Happy New Year from Yrvind.
At present I am doing fairleads for the winch for the stearing lines.
There are two rudders. Each rudder have two stearing lines therefore four winches. Each winch needs two fairleads so eight fairleads.
I am making them out of Tufnol rods. Tufnol is wery wear resistant, so are some other materials. The advantage of Tufnol is that it unlike many fat plastics glues very well with epoxy.
Below the fairleads coming from the lathe.
I attatch them to a piece of 5 mm Tufnol board with polyester string and NM-epoxi. The polyester string also takes epoxy well.
I soak them in epoxy.
After trimming and drilling screw holes products are ready. Next they will be scruved and glued in place.
Becouse its a hobby I do better work than I have to. Of course in stormy weather you feel snug and fine and proud to.
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind.