I have now reached Fishgard in Wales and I am waiting for the ferry to Rosslare Ireland to depart. It will do so  2 45 in the morning. Missed the previus one by five minutes, so a tvelve houer wait. The positive is that I have been able to drive relaxed not worrying abut time.

Last night in Calais I met a catamaran sailor he told me he was going to Cornwall wich was about the same way. By luck I saw him at unloading and followed hin thruogh the London night. He was a good guide. and six a clock in the morning I could lay my head to sleep after driving from just west of Bremen for close to 23 houers. I have now past all the big citys in the night with little trafic. The specially made TK-trailer has behaved excellent.

I hope to bee soon in Kinsale there I will launch the boat. Jonas Akerblom a freind who has with his wife crossed the Atlantic in a boat of my design will drive car an TK-trailer back home.