Today I have with the help of a friend who has a car collected the orded mattress. The work on it seems to be very good. The mattress is symmetrical in many axes. Thuse I can flip it lenhtwise and sidevise as its gets dirty after many days sailing. Compared to my previus mattresses that had closed cells this one is very soft due to open cells. It can thuse soak up water. That is not good but, its a trade of. During last voyage I worried becuase the boat rolled a lot and I was sliding around on the mattress a lot. I thought that my muscles might not stand up to the wear. I hope this boat will roll less.  Now that I have rotating doors that can be vedged close I think that there will be no water entering the bedroom

Below pictures.

Me with mattress. Its big, long and wide.
It is a good fit. Exlex looks very comfortable.

More and more time are running out. Luckily more and more things are finding their place. The list of things to be done is getting shorter. The plan is to leave in May 2020 from Dingle Irelind like two years ago and sail to Porto Santo Madeira and fill upp with water and fruits. The original plan was sail south of Africa then east to land in south western Australia. Due to visa problems, for me, not coming by plane, I am changing my plan. I with the healp of a friend versed in burocrasy wrote the Australian Embassy here in Sweden. They said they did not deal with visas, therefore I had to phone Australia. They said that I had to phone because they had no email. I do not like to waste the little money I have on long distance calls. Surely there must be email in a country like Australia.

I got angry!

I decided not to stop in Australia but to continue south of Australia and south of New Zealand to Dunedin on the east coast. I realise that that is streatching it, that it is far to long for my small boat because I will have problems to bring that much food.

An other thing thinking about food. I do not have much money left for food. I hope that you kind visitors to my site will donate to healp me out – its also soon Christmas.

I am eager to get going. Also it is getting more and more dangerous to be in Sweden compared to sailing the big stormy Southern Ocean. This night criminals burnt two cars outside my workshop.

Me and one of the burnt out cars. My bicycle bottom left in the picture.
One rumor has that this is a vengeance from persons that do not like the police. Is that true? I do not know. What is true is that several more cars besides these have been burnt here in Västervik in the last few days.

To be continued…

Regards Yrvind.