Tonight I have with the help of Stefan and Håkan laminated the outside of the deck.
I asked Stefan if he could give me a hand. I have 30 minutes he said after that I must go to a consert. Work took much longer after over an hour he had to leave. Lyckily Håkan turned up and stayed to the end, thuse rescuing me. It was filling the gaps I had cut to be abel to bend the top part of the deck that was the problem. The gaps used upp a lot more NM-epoxy thickend with silica than I had estimated. I had never done that before and sometimes new thing takes longer than planned. In the end thanks to my friends evrything went well. I am now ready to start designing and build the important ventilation system. Boats do capsize and pitchpoole. Whats happening in the Golden Globe race 2018 amply demonstrates that stormy weather do capsize boats that sails in high latitudes and causes a lot of damage. I belive that only a small boat well designed can come out of bad weather with no damage.
Below are some pictures.

To be continued…
Regards Yrvind