Saterday I think it was. Håkan and me was out sailing. The wind was Beufort 3 maybee. The picture shows my AIS speed on Marine Traffic, 2.6 average 4.3 maximum. If Exlex can average 2.5 knots I be happy so this is a happy startHere I am making a mosquito net. A light chain is sewn on to hold it down inside the hatch coaming.
Exlex sculling oar has excellent bollard power but when the boat is making speed through the water it kind of floats up. Only rapid mowement helps. I am a spokesman for slow sculling strokes so I am making a new oar. The picture shows me using my table saw. I have clamped on the shaft to a rolling table to keep the same angle when sawing the slot. The laminating blade is standing on the table. This is slow work because first I have to wait for the glue to set on the blade then next day I glue the blade to the shaft, the next day I reinforce one side of the oar with carbon next day the other side, next day I glue a stainless steel tube around the shaft to prevent wear, but I am getting there.A friend told me that someone has said that I should have done the roll-over test with masts. It was not practical because the water was to shallow. However I do not worry becouse as you can see the mast floats, they have lots of positive boyancy. With masts standing Exlex will have even more rigthning power. True the sails will damp the motion but that only makes the person inside more comfortable. The rightning moment even without masts is very strong when the boat is upside down all the way to 180° of heel. And yes my visitors is my friends Lena and Beppe
Soon the sculling oar is done and more sails will be done.
The plan is to trail Exlex to the West Coast for more sailing. The future looks bright.