I will eat twice a day, breakfast and lunch four hours later.
Me, I am afraid of insulin. Alzheimer is diabetes type 3. After four hours of no eating there be no insulin in the blood and my mitocondrias switches over to use stored fat for fuel. That’s the food strategy.
Some people say, “Thats not much of a variation”
I say, “Cows only eat grass and wolfs only eat meat”
Modern society is so boring and there is so much food that we have to be stimulated by spices and chefs and different foods to eat. At sea in a small boat its different. Life itself out there is so interesting that I do not need stimulants.
My breakfast consists of one can of sardines, one slice of dense dark rye bread and muesli.
One meal of muesli contains:
Almond flour 25 grams
Dried grinded blueberries 15 grams
Whole milk powder 30 grams
Oats flakes 60 grams
Raisins 20 grams
Walnuts 20 grams
Total 170 grams of muesli for each meal
My lunch is the same as breakfast but no sardines.
I hope to make the voyage in about 300 days, but 2018 may turn out to be a bad year weather vise. To have a margin I will load Exlex with food for 400 days. The weight of that food is 240 kilos. It breaks down into:
136 kilos muesli, 64 kilos sardines and 40 kilos bread.
My water capacity is 56 liters. There are two rain catchers. Hopefully there will be some rain otherwise I have to beg.
A big job is to vacuum pack the muesli and the bread and store it safely in Exlex.
I will also have plenty of multivitamin/mineral supplements.
I look forward to be out on the deep, wet, endless, eternal ocean eating muesli and sardines.
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind.