For convieneice I have installed a compass in the living room. That way, even in the middle of the night I only need to open one eye to find if I am still on the right course.
If not, thanks to the new steering arrangement with lines in the roof and my new type of winch I do not have to leave the bed to adjust the rudder.
Often I will sail the same course for several days, the compass is gimballed, but not enough. If the average healing is 20° I can tilt the compass 20° and lock it in the new position with the help of the two wing nuts. Thats easier on the compass.
Below same pictures.
First I use a Plastimo handbearing compass. To save space I have shorteneed the handle. I also have added a string to fix it so when the boat capsizes it will stay put. Besides the one in the bedroom I have one in the navigation compartment.
The good thing with the Plastimo ia that the vertical scale is vertical. Silva compass used to have that feuture but to save a few pennis the vertical scale is now only 45°. Nut very useful.

Here are two pictures of the aft compass, the one in the navigation/lunchroom. First one I missed the top part of the compass. Secound one taken through the window.
The opening under the first picture is the door to the bedroom. Part of my blanket can be seen.
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind.