The new Exlex the canoe yawl will come out I think 6.4 meter long and 1.4 meter beam depending on the thickness of the Divinycell.
To my eye she looks sweet. Her hull remains me about Bris a boat I cruised many days in 1972 to 1976 and later 1982 and 1983. Bris was 6 meter long 1.72 beam. Also a double ender. I built her in my mother basement.
Exlex is 4.57 beam long, Bris was 3.49 beams long. Exlex is more slender, she is also a bit smaller 6X1.72 is 10.32 veras 6.4X1.4 is 8.96. Lenght is not a good measure of size in boats.