Today Exlex weight is 660 kilo. I can live with that I had wished for 10% less. It is much better than her predecessor.
The original plan was for voyages not more than 60 days, as building has progressed my ambitions have grown. I think I can live on 1.5 kilos a day 1 kilo water and 0,5 kilo food. For 166 days I need 250 kilos.
250 plus boat is 910 plus myself 70 kilos gives a total weight of about one metric ton that should give me a range of 8000 miles at 2 knots speed or from Argentina to Australia. Hopefully this version of Exlex is faster than her predecessor. Anyway this is just wishfull dreams.
Below some media.
A short video on the electric installation.
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind