The weight of new Exlex is 660 kilos.
I plan to use 0.5 kilo food and 1 kilo water, maybee 0.6 kilo food and 0.9 water daily. If test sails show that Exlex makes decent speed I hope to sail to Australia via Argentina in three passages. I calculate with at least 2 knots speed, hopefully faster.
First Dingle Ireland to Porto Santo Madeira 1200 miles 25 days. Provision 38 kilos. Weight of boat and provisions 700 kilos.
Secound Madeira to Mar del Plata Argentina 5500 miles 115 days. Provisions 172 kilos. Weight of boat and provisions 832 kilos.
Third Argentina to Australia 8000 miles 167 days. Provisions 250 kilos. Weight of boat and provisions 910 kilos.
Previus Exlex had a weight of 1168 kilos provisoned for New Zealand. I had to do a restart in Madeira. The upcoming voyage have more easy stages and the boat is much lighter, her center of gravity is much lower, her lines are sweater. She also have a toppmast and a topsail, her beam is increased from 1.04 cm to 1.22, she is much roomier.
My plans for Next Design are lenght 8.4 meter beam 1.4 meter 1.5 tons loaded. If I get old I will add an electric engine as a complement to the yuloh. She will have better autonomy.

To be continued…
Regards Yrvind