I have received word from Yrvind and all is well on the Atlantic ocean and the morale is high!
He has now passed half the halfway mark to Ireland and have had some visitors. A school of pilot whales accompanied Yrvind during the afternoon. Apparently, they liked Exlex because they were rubbing the hull gently as if they where hugging the hull. Even if Yrvind likes the loneliness of the ocean the short visit was much appreciated.
What is not appreciated is that the approach to Ireland will happen about the same time as the Fastnet Race will take place. Apart from that it is an ocean race with many participants it is infamous for the big storm that fell up on it in 1979. That year 19 people lost their lives during the race. Yrvind will navigate these waters at the same time, even if his yacht is well prepared for harsh conditions a collision with one of the many yachts can be devastating.
Sam Holmes (Sam Holmes Sailing) whom Yrvind met in Horta has posted a video of their encounter, enjoy the video below:
Captain Thomas Grahn