Here is a report on the progress on work on the rudder and centerboard.
Some photos below.
I used a NACA- profile with a cord of 400 and 40 beam. To simplify I used a piece of the rudder from my chinerunner I 2011 sailed to Martinique with. I had made the rudder rather long and this is a bit I had cut of. Even this rudder and CB is long, but it is very easy to cut of a bit and difficult to add so in my experiment I make the fins a bit long. I have glued a pice on the aft end and put 3 strips of masking tape at maximum beam to add 0.7 millimeter to make it lay flat on my table saw. Mowing the fence and raising the blade to touch the rudder piece I got a guide that helped me to copy and get a new NACA profile. With this help I cut the Divinycell after that I used a pen to mark the bottom of the cut then grinding away the rest.Peter was kind enough to help me.A side viuw.From a different angleLaminating, using NM-epoxy 3 layers 450 gram glas + one extra layer from the root halfway down. The Divinycell is H130 130 kilo a kubic meter. The work went fine.Rudder and center board paiteintly waiting for more work to be done on them.
To be continued…
Regards Yrvind.
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