22:nd of april is Yrvinds birthday. That fact gave me a reason to visit him in Västervik and to see how his project advanced. This winter I have talked to him a lot on Skype and he had given me vivid reports about the project. So, I thought I was prepared of what was waiting. But in place in his workshop I became surprised. What I saw gave me a Wow feeling – this yellow creation is something special. I had plenty of time to study the boat since the workshop would be the place where I should sleep over the night. In my bed on the floor I was studying hers shapes and many thoughts passes through my head. That she i extremely strong is for sure, no doubt about it. But how would she perform under sails. The boat weight fully loaded, is about 1.2 ton and she is only 4. 8 meters long and 1,3 meters wide. She have no keel, just chinerunners attached alongside the hull. Will this concept work on a small boat with a heavy displacement and relatively small sails? Will his ideas about self steering be functional on a boat with this kind of “tiller” construction? Anyway, it will be very exiting to follow Yrvind when he launch the boat and start testing her. Hopefully this will happen very soon.
Many pics below