Cleats are important hardware. The conventional ones are easy to use but other ropes gets caught in them and they are only strong in one direction. Also if more than one rope are atched to them only the last one can be released. the Yrvind-cleat adress these problems.
On YRVIND TEN there will be ten of these cleats. Four are placed on the hull a bit above the waterline, handy for anchor-line for hauling the boat upp on a rock and for attaching a rope around the boat when out swimming. Below are some pictures showing the first four ones. Click once or twice on them to enlarge.
To make it extra strong I removed the Divinycell core. First I drilled the five boult holes through the outer laminate.
With the help of a insex key I smasched the core.
With the help of compressed air and hemostatic forceps (Rudolf – German quality ) I got the pieces out.
It is very important that the surfaces do not get contaminated by oil. I use an oilfree AERFAST compressor.
Here is the fitting.
The space where once the Divinycell was has been filled with glassfibre clippings sized for epoxy with the help of a pair of twezers, then epoxy has been injected. Below the fitting there is now 2 inches, 5 cm solid glassfibre laminate. It is attached with five 8 mm high tensile steel boults from Bulten. The base of the fitting is six millimeter stainless steel the rod diameter is 12 mm. It is strong enough to lift several fully loaded YRVIND TEN.
Inside is a back up plate and extra strong washers.
To drill the holes straight the 5 cm distance I used a mirror, see a previus post.
Now half of the time the sailing will be done in wintertime. to Awoid cold spots I cover the backing plates with divinycell lids. Holes for the nuts are routed out.
checking that the lid fits.
Next I will glue the lids in place.
Some may say this is overkill. To those I ansver. I endeavor to do my best. To make evrything so strong and good as I can. Not neccesarily that it will be needed. This is in cotrast to our society where everything is made just to be barely functional. One reason I build this boat is that it makes me proud and happy. Therefore I do my best and when I look at the result I am filled with joy. It is worth while. An other thing, sailing a boat those built in stormy waters makes for good sleep. By definition the cause of accidents is always a surprise. This kind of boat has redundancy built in.
To bee continued…
Regards Yrvind.